Correctional: Planning or design of new facilities, renovations and expansions of courthouses, prisons, police and sheriff stations.
Environmental: Projects that aim to improve, protect and monitor indoor or outdoor environmental quality. This includes environmental assessments, remediation, analytical testing services, habitat restoration, and biological studies.
General Building: Architectural projects (not conflicting with other Target Markets), building issues, housing, parking garages, building efficiency improvements, and alternative energy solutions. This target market also includes some planning and most rosters.
Hospitals/Healthcare: Planning or design of new facilities, renovations and expansions of hospitals, clinics and healthcare facilities; any building where patients are treated.
Land: Projects that address vacant property and underdeveloped resources, as well as projects that involve determining the classification or use of property.
Parks: Planning or design of park land, and park amenities related to recreation and comfort.
Redevelopment: Planning efforts to stimulate redevelopment: calls for developers to reuse or redevelop buildings or parcels as part of a wider redevelopment and revitalization effort.
School Districts: Planning and or design of new facilities, renovations and expansions of K-12 facilities or campuses.
Streets/Highways: Any phase of a physical improvement to the roadway system, with an emphasis on civil and traffic design engineering for streets, highways, bridges and sidewalks.
Transportation: All projects concerning public and mass transit systems, including airports, transportation planning projects, and traffic counts.
Universities and Colleges: Planning and or design of new facilities, renovations and expansions of university and college facilities or campuses, all with an emphasis on the instructional and student spaces.
Water: Planning, design and studies of water, wastewater systems infrastructure, water resources (wells and aquifers), stormwater and flood control.